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Popular wisdom says that we are what we eat. It's true. Our diet from a very young age will define much of our future life. Find out how our children can grow up healthier.

Preconception and Pregnancy

Optimizing a woman's nutritional status in the pre-conception phase is essential for maternal health and for preparing for a healthy pregnancy. Women who intend to become pregnant and receive nutritional support benefit in several ways:

  • Improved fertility: A varied and balanced diet helps regulate hormones and the quality of egg formation;

  • Body preparation: Assessment, restructuring and nutritional reinforcement to meet the needs of a desired pregnancy;

  • Weight management: Maintaining a healthy body weight helps reduce the risk of complications such as gestational diabetes and preeclampsia during pregnancy;

  • Prevention of nutritional deficiencies: Right from the beginning of conception, there are nutrients that are essential for the healthy formation and development of the fetus, thus avoiding problems such as neural tube defects in the fetus;

  • Immune reinforcement: By including key foods and restructuring the daily diet, it is possible to strengthen the mother's immune system, preventing the intake of antibiotics that are likely to harm the baby's health;

It is now possible to prove that a baby's health and nutrition begin in the mother's womb! This concept is called fetal metabolic programming and explains that eating habits and lifestyles before and during pregnancy, lactation and early childhood induce long-term effects on the health of the baby, child and future adult throughout their life, such as the risk of developing chronic diseases (diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, obesity).

In addition to this concept, there are other factors that explain the importance of good nutrition during pregnancy:

  • It is from the 4th week of pregnancy that the baby's brain formation and development occurs, so the omega-3 nutrient is essential, as is it, equally, fundamental to minimize possible daily toxins that could compromise its correct development;

  • It is in the mother's womb that the baby's microbiota begins to form, that is, the set of microorganisms that inhabit the body and are associated with protection against diseases throughout life;

  • The fetus's first contact with flavors occurs in the mother's womb, through the amniotic fluid, hence the importance of a healthy and diverse maternal diet, in order to increase the likelihood of future acceptance of foods that children tend to reject more during the food introduction and childhood phase.

What to expect:

- Nutritional monitoring in the most important phases (pre-conception, 1st, 2nd, 3rd trimesters)

- Clinical, nutritional and anthropometric assessment;

- Management of gestational weight;

- Dietary plan and specific guidelines for pregnancy (dietary re-education);

- Provision of materials (food education ebooks, recipes...);

- Optimize maternal health and nutrition;

- Minimize toxicity;

- Symptom control;

- Readjustment and reinforcement of energy needs throughout each quarter;

- Ensure the healthy development of the fetus.


Baby Food Introduction

Give your baby the best start in life with the right nutritional guidance!

Introducing solid foods is an important milestone in your baby’s development. To ensure that this process is carried out safely and nutritiously, schedule a specialized nutrition consultation for this stage!

  • Ensure healthy growth and development of your baby;

  • Ensure your baby gets all essential nutrients;

  • Prevent nutritional deficiencies;

  • Create good eating habits from the start;

  • Introduce a wide variety of foods to develop a diverse and healthy palate,

  • Increase the likelihood of future acceptance of foods that children initially reject;

  • Introduce allergenic foods correctly and safely to prevent allergies in the future;

  • Change the family's eating habits to introduce the baby to a healthy environment from an early age;

  • Clarify your doubts with information based on the most recent scientific evidence;

A responsive, friendly and respectful approach to babies that prioritizes their autonomy and a good relationship with food. Using the soup and puree method or baby-led-weaning.

A practical and uncomplicated introduction to food from 4 to 12 months.

And also, nutritional monitoring until the age of 2! A phase in which integration into the family diet and the passage of “physiological anorexia” are expected. A moment that all children go through, due to the slowing of growth rate, marked by a decrease in appetite and disinterest in food and that can be minimized by applying a set of specific tips and strategies!

Rita Aviz

Dr. Rita Aviz



Childhood and Adolescence

Proper nutrition is essential to ensure healthy physical and mental development for children and young people! Nutritional monitoring during childhood and adolescence allows us to detect possible deficiencies in essential nutrients, ensures the necessary supply of vitamins and minerals for each age group, prevents possible future complications such as cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, which are increasingly common, and can help improve academic performance (memory and concentration) and sports performance.


  • Improved eating habits

  • Food education

  • Nutritional reeducation

  • Food Refusal and Selectivity

  • Weight management

  • Nutrition in sports

  • Improve your relationship with food

An approach guided by nutritional education! In childhood nutrition consultations, we work on food preferences, discover new flavors, play games and learn about healthy eating! Creating a good relationship with food is essential in creating healthy eating habits throughout life.


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